The beautiful country town of Dungog
The Saturday Night Rock and Reel Party
Screen Actors Workshop director Alan Nurthen and Dungog Film Festival director Allanah Zitserman on the red carpet at the historic James Theatre, Dungog
Screen Actors Workshop director Alan Nurthen and coordinator Vera Polianskaia at the James Theatre, Dungog
Actor Frank Stead with tutor Alan Nurthen
Advanced students Christine Fullerton and Iwona Abramowicz: 2011 Studio Christmas party
Screen Actors Workshop co-ordinator Vera Polianskaia with advanced students Jasmina Savic & Jodie Campbell at the 2011 Australian Directors Guild Christmas party
Advanced adults clowning around after class.
Awards Night Archive Galleries on PicasaWeb
All the photos from the award’s nights taken by Ian Nicholson can be found here,
and the photos by Jodie Campbell can be found here.
Screen Actors Workshop Awards Night Archive
Daniel Skoric and Alan Nurthen
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