This past term we’ve been looking at the various techniques actors can use to learn their lines quickly and efficiently. This has helped some of the students who were struggling with lines to find a technique or a combination of techniques to help them speed up the process.
As veteran British actor Bill Nighy says: “You must know your lines back to front and inside out. There’s no excuse for not learning your lines.”
In that respect, some words of wisdom from two past screen legends James Cagney and Cary Grant…

Learning your lines is essential

Advice from screen legend Cary Grant
Term Dates
Term 2 completes week ending Saturday 29 June, with Term 3 classes returning from Tuesday 16 to Saturday 20 July, after the two week Winter semester break.
The Saturday Mixed Ages class – which runs in blocks of 8 week terms and commences on Week 3 of each term – returns on Saturday 3 August.
It would be greatly appreciated if all returning students post a deposit to secure their position in their nominated class. Class deposits help the school to function over the semester break and leave you less to pay when classes return. Win win for the students and the school.
Student News
Many of our current students and graduates continue to win high paying acting gigs and I’m always happy to hear their feedback and to keep up with their careers.
One student who is taking a break after recently completing the 3 year part-time certificate course is Lakshay “Lucky” Dhiman who is holidaying in Europe and currently enjoying summer in Portugal.

Graduate students Lucky Dhiman and Hamish Sevenoaks in character for our 13 x 30 minute dark comedy series The Devil’s Diner.
Enjoy the weather Lucky as it’s getting really cold in Sydney!
Class Scene DVDs/USBs
If you would like an edited copy of your past term or previous term’s on-camera scenes then email me or see me in class and I’ll organise it for you. Class scene DVDs are $55.00 per term’s scenes and if you supply a USB the editing fee is $50.00. A compilation of your favourite five scenes from current and previous term’s work is also available for the same price structure as above.
Check out this comic teen scene from 13 July, featuring Ivana Covic, Molly Donnelly and Sherry Abourgadderah…