Happy New Year to our students, staff and associates.
I hope you have a creative and productive 2020!
The school, our students and our graduates had a very successful 2019 and we’re looking forward to an even bigger 2020!
To help you on your way, some words of advice from one of my favourite British actors, Tom Hardy…

Tom Hardy not just talking
The reason Tom Hardy impresses me is because he aspires to the Steve McQueen style of screen acting, where if possible, he’d rather show his feelings than express them with text. This approach makes him an interesting and highly watchable physical actor. And when he does speak, he knocks it out of the park.
Term Dates
Term 1 commences from Tuesday 28 January through to Saturday 1 February.
The Saturday Mixed Ages class (which runs in blocks of 8 week terms, not 10 like all other part-time classes) returns on 15 February.
January Workshops Review
The kids Film Acting Workshop held over three days from Wednesday 8 to Friday 10 produced the short film, The Haunted Castle.
We could have filled the workshop twice over if the state school’s didn’t break up a mere few days before Christmas, thereby ruining the ideal week for the course, which is the first full week before Christmas. Nonetheless, we managed to get the minimum numbers required and the three days was a fun and productive time for all involved.
Well done to Dexter Berwick, Hugo Boersma and James Boersma for a job well done!
The adult Film Acting master class held on Tuesday evening 7 January and recorded over the Saturday and Sunday of the 11th and 12th produced the short film, Payback.
The cast of Luka Pusic, Tara Tuffy, Ben Calandruccio and Zach Williams did an outstanding job with their respective roles and I’m extremely satisfied with the results.
It was also fun playing a small role opposite Ben as the senior detective coordinating the hunt for the elusive bank robbers.
I’m looking forward to editing both of the short films and, once completed, I’ll be adding them to the school’s Class Scenes & Master Class Films page.
Student News
There’s little to add regarding our students’ successes over the summer break as the industry is just now starting to crank up for the coming year.
If previous year’s are any indication then our students are in for another busy year with film and television roles – along with new opportunities in the burgeoning online platforms which are really starting to make an impact on audiences.
The Devil’s Diner
The 32 minute intro of seven interviews with the Devil’s seventh son – played by graduate Hamish Sevenoaks – and the hapless interviewer – played by graduate Lakshay “Lucky” Dhiman – is completed and all set to be launched on YouTube in late January/early February.
The 32 minute promo is designed to finance the first episode of the 13 x 30 minute series.

Interviewer (Lucky) and Number 7 (Hamish) on the set of The Devil’s Diner
The Devil’s Diner will polarise audiences as the content is definitely not for the prudish, conservative or faint of heart viewer. It’s an extremely confronting program designed to shake things up in a world which is becoming more conservative and dangerous by the day.
The tag line for the series sums it up perfectly: “The Devil’s Diner, the hottest cooking show in Hell, where everything sacred is roasted.”
Stay tuned if you dare!
Class Scene DVD’s/USB’s
If you would like an edited copy of your last term’s class scenes then contact me and I’ll organise it for you.
Class scene DVD’s are $55.00 per term’s scenes (including DVD with Screen Actors Workshop branded storage case) or the same price for a five scene compilation of your favourite scenes from any term’s you choose.
USB’s are $50.00 per term’s scenes (student to supply USB or Hard Drive.)
It’s a proven fact that further viewing of your work at home leads to a marked increase in your performance and technical skills.