Happy New Year. And here's hoping it's a fun and productive 2025! There's not much to report as the industry slowly gets back into gear for the new year. Learning lines is a vital part of the performance and the picture below confirms the best way ...
ReadNewsletter Archive
Listening December 2024 Newsletter
Hello and welcome to the final newsletter of 2024. It's been a busy year and our students have learned how to maintain a believable and eye-catching role for the screen. It all comes down to listening. And once you've learned how to really listen,...
ReadLosing Value August-September Newsletter
We've had an interesting term with students learning a great deal about physical performance and how to apply physicality to a scene. ]Tom Hardy not just talking Term Dates Term 3 ends on Saturday 21 September with Term 4 commencing from Tuesd...
ReadListening July 2024 Newsletter
We've had a very interesting Term 2. All of our classes recorded a couple of green screen scenes and the results were very good indeed. The students learned a great deal about the importance of precise eyelines, especially during green screen scenes...
ReadForget the Lines: March-April 2024 Newsletter
It's been an interesting term of classes with students learning a few things about performance technique, including how to make the camera your best friend, and not your worst enemy; and reciting the lines with the required energy and passion to make...
ReadTake Number 3: January-February 2024
Happy New Year! Here's hoping it's a fun and creative year that lies ahead for all of us. 2024 Sydney fireworksTo kick of the first newsletter of the year, some wise words from actor Sir Ben Kingsley"I say to directors: O...
ReadThinking out-of-the-box: November-December 2023 Newsletter
Hello everyone and welcome to the final newsletter of 2023. It's been a tough year with many Australians battling to keep their heads above water with the never ending increase in petrol, food prices, power prices, increased rents and mortages, alon...
ReadSeptember-October 2023
Hello everyone. To kick off the newsletter, some words of advice from Sir Ben Kingsley... Term Dates Term 3 completes on Saturday 23 September. Term 4 commences from Tuesday 10 October through to Saturda...
ReadJuly – September 2023
To kick off the newsletter, some words of advice from an acclaimed actor ...The dark side of the character Term Dates Term 2 completes on Saturday 1 July; while Term 3 commences from Tuesday 18 through to Saturday 22 July. I look forward to ...
ReadMay 2023
Hello everyone, some usable advice to kick off the current newsletter ...Term Dates Term 1 classes finish on Saturday 8 April. (NOTE: April 8 is Easter Saturday but we do not celebrate public holidays during term, so the Satu...
ReadFebruary-April 2023
Happy New Year! Here's to a creative and fun 2023!Fireworks display Sydney New Year There's not much to report this time of year as the industry slowly crawls back from the summer break.But in the meantime, some good advice from one of th...
ReadOctober-December 2022
Hi one and all, What a year! I set the school up 34 years ago and during that time I've trained numerous high-profile actors - I can't watch TV without seeing students in TV commercials, TV drama and feature films, so I can't complain, that's for ...
ReadPhysicality: August – September 2022
Hi everyone. During Term 3 we've been concentrating on the importance of physicality as opposed to text. To Quote: "The best way to improve mental performance, is to improve physical performance." Combining the mental and the physical opens the do...
ReadListening: June – July 2022
Welcome to the mid-winter newsletter and some good advice from Sir Ben Kingsley ... The power of thinking on-camera. The better the listener - the better the actor. Term Dates The current term ends from Tuesday 28/6 through...
ReadApril-May 2022 Newsletter
The blocks of ten week term classes continue to fly by at a frightening speed. But at least we have a lot to show for the time spent.Well done to those committed students whose application to the challenging work this term resulted in a noticeabl...
ReadFebruary-March 2022
Happy New Year! And here's hoping for a fun, safe and creative 2022. Term Dates Classes return from Tuesday 1 through to Saturday 5 February and I'm looking forward to getting back into some fun, creative and challenging work after the 6 ...
ReadDecember 2021-January 2022
As a difficult year winds down, let's hope 2022 is brighter and more positive than what we've experienced this year. On a lighter note, students from all levels of study have recorded some difficult and challenging scenes this term, including compli...
ReadNovember-December 2021
Classes are back!And classes return from Tuesday 26 through to Saturday 30 October. As you know, we traditionally run 4 x 10 week terms per year, but due to all schools returning from Monday 25 October, we will be returning for an 8 week term fo...
ReadLockdown/Classes: August-September 2021
Lockdown/Classes Update If the current lockdown ends in late August and schools are back, then classes will be held for the final 4 weeks of Term 3. The new technique and performance skills contained in the Term 3 curriculum will now be introduced...
ReadJuly-August 2021: No Inhibitions
As a busy Term 2 draws to a close, we are completing the final scenes of the term, wherein we've been concentrating on hitting every note within the performance. We've seen some very energetic performances in both dramatic and comic scenes over all l...
ReadMay-June 2021: Reacting
To kick off the current newsletter some words of advice ...[caption id="attachment_11432" align="alignleft" width="300"] The importance of listening and reacting truthfully[/caption] Term Dates Classes return from Tuesday 27 April through to Sa...
ReadImpulses March-April 2021
The first term of the year has seen a noticeable improvement among our most committed students and the progress has been very encouraging indeed. We have more challenging scenes lined up for Term 2 along with a few surprises. Stay tuned! To ...
ReadPerseverance: January-February 2021
Happy New Year! And let's hope 2021 is brighter than last year's nightmare.Mascot Honey in her party finery for a new year's celebration at the school Good advice from Julie Andrews and Cameron Diaz on perseverance and opportunity ......
ReadStorytelling: December 2020 – January 2021
What a year it's been! Until the lock-down in April - with over 30 years of continuous classes under our belt - we'd never had to close the school before. And during these fearful times I'm happy to report that there were no health problems during...
ReadOpen Your Mind October-November 2020
Open your mind to all of life's possibilities Frank Zappa nails it with his nifty metaphor on the benefits of an open and questioning mind. An open mind is essential for the actor. The mind must be free of prejudice and preconceived ideas about...
ReadTriggers September-October 2020
The staff and I had no idea what would happen business wise after the 14 week lock-down, but with the single minded application of hard work and creative promotion we've managed to come back as strong as ever. Being a small business owner myself, I...
ReadThe Truth Will Set You Free July-August 2020
At last some good news in these trying times. Now that schools are back, and after 14 weeks of lock-down, the Screen Actors Workshop is reopening for face-to-face classes from Tuesday 14 July. All of the necessary Covid-19 precautions and safegua...
ReadSilence is Golden March-April 2020
It's been a busy term and our students have responded well to the work. Important lessons have been learned and put into practice with good results. Well done and keep up the good work. Wise words about ...
ReadNot Just Talking January-February 2020
Happy New Year to our students, staff and associates. I hope you have a creative and productive 2020! The school, our students and our graduates had a very successful 2019 and we're looking forward to an even bigger 2020! To help you on your way,...
ReadKeep it Natural & Keep it Real December 2019
Acting is not rocket science and like surfing, it's not as easy as it looks. Like any skill, to be a good actor takes training and lots of practice. The goal being to achieve a relaxed and naturalistic performance style - without falling into the t...
ReadLosing the Fear October-November 2019 Newsletter
Classes return from Tuesday 8 through to Saturday 12 October. The Saturday Mixed Ages class returns on 26 October. Note that our curriculum is structured over 10 week terms, not 9, 11 or whatever the state school system operates at any given time,...
ReadTaking Risks September 2019 Newsletter
Taking risks is important when it comes to your growth as an actor. Risk taking gives everything the actor does a certain edge to it. The actor is anything but predictable and this can add real impact to the performance. Actors who push themselves to...
ReadWhat you Do means more than what you Say August 2019 Newsletter
Action speaks louder than words. True. But why is this important to the actor? Quite simply because what you do is far more revealing than what you say. So don't get all hung up on the words. Be aware of what your body and your face are doing as our ...
ReadLearning Lines July 2019 Newsletter
This past term we've been looking at the various techniques actors can use to learn their lines quickly and efficiently. This has helped some of the students who were struggling with lines to find a technique or a combination of techniques to help th...
ReadScreen Presence May-June 2019 Newsletter
Classes return from Tuesday 23 through to Saturday 27 April and I'm looking forward to working with our ongoing students, along with the new students commencing classes with us this term. The popular Saturday mixed ages class - which runs in blocks...
ReadPhysical Performance March-April 2019 Newsletter
Another term is almost completed and over the past 10 weeks we've been concentrating on the students physical and verbal communication skills. There have been some outstanding results and I must single out the Thursday Advanced Teen class for their e...
ReadFree your Body and Sharpen your Mind January-February 2019 Newsletter
January-February Newsletter Happy New Year! Here's to a fun and creative 2019.Mascot Honey in her party finery for a new year's event at the school. To open the first newsletter of the year, some observations on acting from Leon...
ReadActing with Green Screen December 2018 Newsletter
This term our students learned the tricks and techniques of green screen acting. During classes students were encouraged to act more over the top than they are used to when performing straight dramatic scenes so that their performances would not be...
ReadNovember 2018 Newsletter
Last term - incorporated with general craft and performance skills - we concentrated on the effective use of space and the creative use of the voice in performance. This coming term we will be studying the power of body language - wherein a simple g...
ReadOctober-November 2018 Newsletter
An important component of screen performance is to avoid "acting." In other words, to keep it real by experiencing what the character is feeling as opposed to merely acting the feelings and emotions - which is false and just plain bad acting. ...
ReadSeptember-October 2018 Newsletter
Celebrating 30 Years of Screen Acting classes: 1988 - 2018 This July the school celebrated its 30th anniversary: July 1988 to July 2018. The school has trained some well kno...
ReadJuly-August 2018 Newsletter
Want to become a better actor? Or want to dramatically improve social interactions? The key is listening. During an interview Clint Eastwood was asked; "What's the most important thing an actor needs to have?" To which Eastwood immediately ...
ReadMay-June 2018 Newsletter
To open the May-June newsletter some wise words from the sadly missed Robin Williams... Kids, teens and adult classes return from Tuesday 24 April through ...
ReadApril-May 2018 Newsletter
To open the April-May newsletter some good advice from actors Annette Benning and John Hamm ...  ...
ReadFebruary-March 2018 Newsletter
Happy New Year everyone!!! Here's to a fun and creative 2018. With the summer holidays winding down and classes returning from Tuesday 30 January through to Saturday 3 Fe...
ReadJanuary 2018 Newsletter
Whoosh! There goes another year! And to open the final newsletter of 2017 some wise words from Meryl Streep, along with some words on Meryl's approach from actor Jeff Daniels &nbs...
ReadOctober-November 2017 Newsletter
To open the newsletter, sound advice from Michael Caine, Bernadette Peters and Constantin Stanislavsky ...
ReadSeptember-October 2017 Newsletter
To open the current newsletter, a few words from two Aussie acting legends, Ben Mendelsohn and Jackie Weaver The current term has again produced some...
ReadAugust-September 2017 Newsletter
To open the current newsletter some words of wisdom from two of the greats - Katharine Hepburn and Robert DeNiro  ...
ReadJuly-August 2017 Newsletter
To open the July-August newsletter, some matter-of-fact advice from Kevin Spacey and Leonardo DiCaprio ...
ReadMay-June 2017 Newsletter
Classes return from Anzac Day April 25 and I'm looking forward to working with our established students and to meeting the new students commencing classes with us this term. To open the May-June newsletter some words of wisdom... ...
ReadMarch-April 2017 Newsletter
To commence the March-April newsletter some words of wisdom from two of the greats; actor-director Clint Eastwood and Hollywood legend Bette Davis... ...
ReadJanuary-February 2017 Newsletter
Happy New Year to our students, their families, our staff and associatesHave a fun, creative and successful 2017! To open the first newsletter of the year, some wise words from actors Vuyo Dabula and Sir Ben Kingsley, with a tag line from Renais...
ReadDecember 2016 Newsletter
To kick off the final newsletter for 2016, some wise words from the sadly missed Robin Williams and UK actor Gary Oldman... As we look back on 2016, it's encouraging t...
ReadOctober-November 2016 Newsletter
To open the October-November newsletter some words of advice from everyone's favourite "American Psycho", Christian Bale, and one of our most accomplished stage and screen stars, Cate Blanchett.... ...
ReadSeptember-October 2016 Newsletter
Spring is here! And to kick off the current newsletter some words of wisdom from master thespian Anthony Hopkins... Term 3 has seen many new students commence classes at the school and the potent...
ReadJuly-August 2016 Newsletter
Classes return from Tuesday 12 July and I'm looking forward to meeting the new students and to working with our ongoing students for another ten week term of on-camera classes. To kick off the current newsletter, some words of wisdom from Debra Mai...
ReadMay-June 2016 Newsletter
To open the current newsletter some advice from actor Tom Hardy... Tom Hardy's comment is fitting, as this term we've been concentrating on what happens around t...
ReadApril-May 2016 Newsletter
To kick start the current newsletter some thoughts from two of my favourite Aussie actors, Richard Roxburgh and Rachel Griffiths...Junior, teen and adult classes return from Tuesday 19 to Saturday 23 April and the staff and I are looki...
ReadMarch-April 2016 Newsletter
To open the current newsletter some thoughts from Naomi Watts... And from Morgan Freeman... As we enter the final weeks of Term 1, it's worth mentioning again that we do not observe public holidays during term - therefor...
ReadJanuary-February 2016 Newsletter
Happy new year to our students, their families, our staff and associates!Have a happy, creative and successful 2016! To kick off the current newsletter and the new year, a heads-up from actors Jack Nicholson and Gary Oldman ...
ReadNovember-December 2015 Newsletter
Another year rolls by - and what a creative year it's been at the school. The quality of work has been outstanding and it's gratifying to see just how much our students have learned during the past year and how well they have applied those lesson...
ReadAugust-September 2015 Newsletter
To kick off the current newsletter some words of wisdom from one of the greats, and from one of the great acting teachersDuring Term 3 we’ve been focusing on enhancing creative and informative physical business.The creative use of voi...
ReadMay-June 2015 Newsletter
To open the current newsletter, some thoughts from Ryan Gosling and Meryl Streep…Term DatesTerm 2 classes complete on Saturday 27 June.Term 3 classes commence from Tuesday 14 July.Due to an increase in operating costs – effectiv...
ReadApril-May 2015 Newsletter
To kick start the current newsletter, some advice from Morgan Freeman and “The Dude”…To put the above tips and much more into action, classes return from Tuesday 21 April; with the Monday Extension advanced class commencing again on...
ReadMarch-April 2015 Newsletter
Term 1 has seen all classes learning how to quickly and effectively delve deeper and deeper into the role, thereby discovering and adding interesting elements and layers to the character portrayal.It was difficult and challenging work which deliv...
ReadJanuary-February 2015 Newsletter
Term 1 classes commence from 27 January.The staff and I are refreshed and raring to go after the summer semester break and we’re looking forward another creative and productive term of classes. We’d like to welcome back to our established st...
ReadDecember 2014 Newsletter
To kick off, here’s a quote from one of the greats…Says it all from a master of the art…Hopefully Marlon would be impressed with our students hard work this year, as the final two terms of 2014 particularly have seen some inspired a...
ReadOctober-November 2014 Newsletter
Classes return from Tuesday 7 October and the staff and I are looking forward to another 10 week term of screen acting classes.Last term saw some of the best scenes of the year recorded and we’re going to be working hard again this term to main...
ReadAugust-September 2014 Newsletter
Hello everyone. Term 3 classes end Saturday 20 September and Term 4 classes commence from Tuesday 7 October, after the two week Spring semester break. The Monday Extension class returns 13 October.During Term 3 we have been working on techniques ...
ReadJuly-August 2014 Newsletter
Classes return from Tuesday 15 July and the staff and I are looking forward to another fun and educational term of on-camera workshops.The past 6 months have been busy at the school due to an increase in private tuition sessions and other teachin...
ReadJune-July 2014 Newsletter
Term 2 ends on Saturday June 28; and Term 3 commences from Tuesday July 15, after the two week winter semester break. The Monday Extension class returns on July 21.This year has seen more emphasis placed on voice and movement: two of the vital co...
ReadApril-May 2014 Newsletter
Classes return from Tuesday 22 April and I’m looking forward to working with our ongoing students along with the new students commencing classes with us this term.The staff and I are itching to go after the two week Autumn semester break as we ...
ReadMarch-April 2014 Newsletter
TERM DATESTerm 1 classes complete week ending Saturday 5 April. Term 2 classes commence from Tuesday 22 April, with the Monday Extension class returning on 28 April.The past 10 weeks of classes have seen a marked improvement in interesting de...
ReadJanuary-February 2014 Newsletter
Classes return from Tuesday January 28 and I look forward to working with all of our ongoing students again. I’d also like to welcome the new students commencing classes with us this term.To get you in the mood for some serious screen acting he...
ReadDecember 2013 Newsletter
To kick off the bumper edition end-of-year newsletter, words of advice for all you budding actors from Academy Award winner Gene HackmanWell, here we are again at the end of another year; and what a productive year it’s been. A jam-packed 1...
ReadOctober-November 2013 Newsletter
Classes return week commencing Monday 7 October and I look forward to working with our established students again, along with the new students joining us this term.And what better way to commence classes than with sound words of advice from H...
ReadSeptember 2013 Newsletter
It was a challenging third quarter to the year when we delved into screen comedy again. And typical of comedy, the practical results were mixed.When asked by a fan if he was afraid of dying, an old actor responded from his death bed: “No, my de...
ReadJuly-August 2013 Newsletter
Classes return for Term 3 from Tuesday 16 July; with the Intermediate/Advanced Extension class commencing Monday 22 July.To get you back in the groove for classes this week, here are some words of wisdom from two of the greats of the screen trade...
ReadMay-June 2013 Newsletter
The past term of classes has seen a marked improvement in creativity and confidence on-camera. It’s a statistically proven fact that acting classes are of great benefit for children, teens and adults, resulting in increased self-esteem, confidence ...
ReadApril-May 2013 Newsletter
Classes return from Tuesday April 23 and the advanced teen and adult classes return on April 25 (Anzac Day) but please note that the school does not observe public holidays during term.To get you in the mood for classes next week, here are some w...
ReadMarch-April 2013 Newsletter
Term 1 classes complete week ending Saturday April 6 and Term 2 classes commence from Tuesday April 23, after the two week autumn semester break.Term 1 was a challenging and productive term which saw students from all age groups and levels tackle...
ReadJanuary-February 2013 Newsletter
Term 1 classes commence from Monday January 28 and the staff and I would like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to the new students commencing classes with us this term – and to welcome back our established students for another 10 w...
ReadDecember 2012 Newsletter
Welcome to the first of our new format on-site newsletters! We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed putting it together for you. Posting our twice-quarterly newsletters to this dedicated page allows us to build a Newsletters Archive, thereby givin...